How to be happy in your work

smiling woman at work for how to be happy at work blog

Whether you are working from home or all set to return to the office you will benefit no end from making your workspace a happy and inspiring place to spend time in. Making your workspace a happy place is a worthy investment in you! In this blog, we will introduce some quick tips to get you started.

wooden desk with open laptop in front of large window

Connect with nature

This is always a good place to start, if you are lucky enough to have a room with a view then you really should make the most of it and position your desk near it. Make a point of getting natural daylight as much as possible. If you are working from home then sit in a chair near a window when you have documents to read. If you have a call to make which will not require you being sat at your laptop then make it by the window, just take a notepad and pen with you in case you need to jot something down!

woman at a lap top with dog beside her

Bring the outdoors in

If you can’t get out or can’t see out, bring the outdoors into you. The obvious thing is to bring a houseplant or two into your workspace, either on your office table, a rustic bookcase or reclaimed wood shelving, but pets also reduce office stress, whether it be your cat or dog in your home office by your feet or some fish in an aquarium. Studies carried out on stress levels found something as simple as repotting a house plant greatly reduced stress in participants. First, participants had to repot the plant and secondly, they were asked to carry out a task they were well accustomed to on their computer – as you have probably guessed the indoor gardening task reduced their stress levels.

row of house plants in white pots

Make your desk a permanent workspace

Choosing the right desk for you and the work you need to do at it, is very important, especially when working from home. If you have to look thorough lots of documents get a desk big enough for you to set them out properly – it will save you stress and time in the long run, if however you write or the majority of your work just requires a computer then you can get a smaller desk or writing desk and fill the space with things you like to have around you, an office sofa would be more comfortable if you read a lot or make many calls that don’t require you to be sat at your computer.

If you don’t have the room or prefer not to be cooped up in the office all day then zone your living room or kitchen to include an office area. A reclaimed wood desk is perfect for the home office – it will blend into another room much better than a bog-standard desk that you see in offices up and down the country….and of course, it is another easy way to bring in a little touch of nature.

grey faux leather office chair next to industrial style desk

Choose the right chair for you

Getting the right chair is just as important as getting the right desk. An adjustable leather desk chair or faux leather chair will last you for many years and is certainly worth the initial investment. If space is tight then lookout for a small desk chair or a chair that can double up and be used elsewhere in your home.

Keep on top of clutter

A build-up of office clutter will certainly affect how smoothly you are able to work. Invest in some rustic office furniture it will help you keep clutter at bay, keep organised and stay on track. A cluttered office means you will be unable to locate things when you need them and bring unnecessary stress to your day, not to mention waste time. A tidy and organised home, or office, will make you feel calmer, happier, productive and more accomplished – it sounds like one of the best therapies to us!