Caring for your reclaimed wood furniture

This care guide has been put together by our team, to offer you advice on how to keep your furniture looking wonderful for many years to come.

To clean your furniture:

We often get asked what products can be used on a daily basis to clean your furniture. With a waxed finish, we would recommend avoiding spray polishes that contain silicones, as they may spoil the surface of your furniture by building up over time.

How to avoid markings

  • Our main recommendation would be to use placemats and coasters whenever placing something hot on the surface. This really will be the best way to avoid ring marks.
  • Also wiping up any spills as soon as possible, will help you avoid stains.
  • When writing, avoid your pen making impressions by using a pad underneath your sheet of paper.

Other maintenance tips:

To make sure you avoid weakening the joints, never drag furniture, always lift.
When placing furniture directly on to floors, make sure you use heavy duty felt pads, or other forms of protection to avoid scratches or marks. These can be bought from most hardware stores or online.

Waxing Guide:

The beauty of wax is that it allows the natural variations in tone of reclaimed wood to come through. The best way to nourish and protect the wood, is through waxing it!

You may wax your piece of furniture as often as you like, although we would recommend regular waxing in the first few months.
We would recommend that at least a monthly wax for the first 3 months will be needed, as it acclimatises to the heat of your home. Avoid placing your furniture in direct sunlight or next to a radiator, as this will increase the appearance of cracks due to over-drying.
After this, waxing every other month should be fine.
Please be assured, it’s very fast and simple to wax!

All you need is some wax, we recommend Mylands Wax, which is a high-quality British wax. Depending on your finish, you may just want a clear wax, to avoid your piece of furniture getting too dark.

How to wax your furniture

  • All you need as an old rag, which you can use to apply the wax generously across your piece of furniture.
  • Rub it on along the grain of the wood to make sure it gets into all areas.
  • Once you’ve done your waxing, it’s best to leave it approx 30mins.
  • After 30 mins, use another clean rag to remove excess and to give it a very light buff.
  • Waxing is also a great way to remove any marks or cracks which may appear over time, and it can be used in the affected area only

If you see any small crack appear (these are known as shakes, and are quite common in old reclaimed wood), simply wax over them, they will not make the crack disappear, however, it will help to nourish the wood.

Key benefits for waxing

The wax will not only make your furniture look as good as new again,

however it will also nourish the timber!
Waxing helps to build up the stain resistance of the wood

without changing the colour.
Well nourished wood furniture will increase the lifespan of your purchase,

and maintain the beauty of your furniture.

If you have any questions at all, then please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01273 499057 or send us a message.