Party games to try this year

Christmas Party Games

Christmas Baubles

Parties are tremendous fun, a great way to relax and enjoy the company of others. However, there’s no reason to sit around the dining room furniture making small talk all evening. With these great party game ideas, no matter whether it is an adult-only party or a Christmas celebration with adults and children, we have some great party game ideas!

Suitable for…

Mixed parties: Baubles on the Tree

A quick game to welcome guests as they arrive. Ask them how many baubles they think are on your tree. Works exactly the same as ‘number of sweets in a jar’. Get your guests to write their name and guess on a piece of paper and keep it in a jar on the rustic coffee table until you announce the winner.

Child-focused parties: Christmas scavenger hunt

For some children (and adults too!) a big party gathering can be overwhelming and party games can be the activities they need to help them mix and mingle.

Christmas Decoration Dolls

You can either create your own hunting cards or download pre-printed ones and make sure you have all the items hidden around your home. You can bring the game into the 21st century and ask your guests to photograph the item in situ. Give prizes to those who have all the items photographed on their phone!

Mixed parties: Draw a Christmas scene

When your guests are gathered around your reclaimed wood dining table, give them a pen or pencil and a piece of paper each. You will now give instructions, without discussing and your guests are to draw on the paper what you say…


  • Draw a line for a floor
  • Draw a Christmas tree and add decorations as you like
  • Draw a star on top of the tree
  • Draw a fireplace with a mantelpiece next to the tree
  • Draw a stocking hanging from the mantelpiece
  • Draw a present below the tree

You may think you can’t go wrong with instructions but as you continue the game, you will realise the different interpretations people will have put on the instructions given.

Award points as follows:

  • 2 points if their tree is touching the floor
  • 2 points if the stocking is touching the mantelpiece
  • 1 point if the star touches the tree
  • 1 point if the star is above the tree
  • 4 points if they drew more than 4 baubles on the tree
  • 1 point if they included tinsel on their Christmas tree
  • 1 point if your tree is a safe distance from the fireplace!
  • 2 points if you drew a cute motif on the Christmas stocking
  • 2 points if your present is under the tree

What other suggestions can you think of? The idea is to award the prize to the person with the most artistic picture and the most points too.

Christmas Baubles

Adult party game: Global Christmas traditions quiz

Sometimes, you need a quiz with a difference and for this one, you will need to do your research. Take a look at some of the weird and wonderful Christmas traditions practised in countries across the world, creating a quiz that will both educate and provide plenty of laughs.

The harder you can make it the better. Have bonus questions worth triple points and simply enjoy the laughter this kind of quiz brings. Great for smaller parties, with guests lounging in a comfy armchair or two and for New Year parties, bring a few New Year traditions into it too.

Whatever the get together, throwing a few games into the mix is sure to make it memorable. Enjoy the party!