De-cluttering – the throwing of everything away to start again… or is it? De-cluttering is something we all do, some more frequently than others. It isn’t just about ‘getting rid of stuff’, although that is the crux of it for many people. It is, in fact, about streamlining storage, creating solutions that work that allow us to live and work effectively and efficiently in a space.
And this is no more needed than in an office. But how do your de-clutter and stay streamlined in such an important and productive space?
Storage shelves
Frankly, a set of two or three storage shelves is an absolute must for keeping your desk clear of clutter. The secret to effective storage is being to access it quickly and easily and frankly, there is no better way than shelving.
As well as wall-mounted shelves, consider a freestanding shelving display case or bookcase as an alternative.
Drawer organisers
Your wooden desk may be clear on top but what state are the drawers in?! in many ways, there is nothing wrong with a messy drawer but seriously, when was the last time you found what you were searching for in here? You can probably count the times on one hand.
Get it organised with drawer organisers, from small baskets to cutlery trays for pens and pencils.
Go cord-free
If you like a streamlined office, styled along Scandinavian styles – white walls, light wood furniture offset with natural fabrics – then going ‘cord-less’ is the ideal solution. That means investing in Bluetooth enabled or wireless gadgets to do away with cords clogging the eyeline.
Colour code
Another great tip from people who are uber-organised – and stay organised – is to colour files in your office cabinets. Use coloured file ‘tips’ or stickers, assigning a colour band to a category that you can then effectively organise your files under.
PS Did you know that TV cabinets and media cabinets make fantastic storage for the office?
Establish office zones
In many ways, this emulates the home: the kitchen is for cooking, the living room for lounging etc. – and you can use a similar means of zoning areas for key activities in the office.
Your reclaimed wood desk is where you produce work, the office cabinets where you file, the display unit or shelving where you store items you need to access frequently… you get the drift.
Vertical storage
In smaller spaces, utilising the space up above your head is a great way of adding extra storage space, especially when it comes to working boards and noticeboards etc. Get creative too with your cork boards and whiteboards, two things that you can easily customise.
And finally, tidy up regularly.
If there is one key element of a de-cluttered off is that once you have de-cluttered, zoned and organised things, you need them to stay this way. Being organised and regularly tidying your workspace is not just important for your physical comfort in the office but you may find it is an important emotional task too.