Really easy ways to create a more eco-friendly home

Beige and taupe coloured cushion with wicker plant pot with green plant

This really is a hot topic right now and there are so many small steps we can all take right now to give our planet a helping hand.

Dining room with reclaimed wood industrial dining table, wooden chairs and rustic glass display cabinet

Use eco-friendly and sustainable materials when decorating and maintaining your property

Next time you embark on a home makeover project try to look for eco-friendly products. The Little Greene Paint Company has a vast range of water-based and vegetable oil-based paints in a gorgeous array of colours.

Hallway with dark green painted wood panelling and wooden console table

Photo credit: Little Greene Paint Company – Hopper No 297

Buy sustainable and reclaimed wood furniture

Try to buy investment pieces of furniture that will last for years to come, although the initial outlay may be a little more this will most likely save you money in the long run. An FSC certified reclaimed wood dining table will last you for years, they are incredibly easy to maintain with a thin coat of wax or oil needed every now and then. Small marks and dents will not be noticed and if more specialist help is needed you can easily find a furniture technician to come out to your property to help with any more serious repairs.

Close up of reclaimed wood furniture with green plants on top

Repurpose furniture in your home

Use old wooden sideboards, a bedroom chest of drawers or cupboard in a storeroom or garage rather than just disposing of it. This will not only help reduce landfill, but will also help save on the huge amount of energy that’s needed during the production of furniture.

Introduce a few meat-free meals every week

Get into the habit of having two or three meat-free meals every week – if we all did this we would make a real dent in the climate crisis. There are some wonderful and hearty recipes available online just waiting to become your new family mid-week favourites! Another great way is to support local farm shops these will have the best and freshest locally grown seasonal fruit and veg.

Close up of selection of pulses, beans, nuts, fruits and vegetables

Eco-friendly cleaning products

We have all stepped up our home cleaning regimes over the last few months, this has caused sales of chemical-heavy cleaning products to skyrocket. Consider switching (even just a few) to eco-friendly cleaning products…these will also most likely be in recycled packaging as an added bonus. There are also many, many completely natural, family and pet-friendly cleaning tips to be found online.

Switch to low-voltage lighting

Switch to low-voltage light bulbs for your table lamps. Yes, there is an initial outlay but on average you will make that money back by saving on electric bills in around two months. This is a great move if you will be working from home more during the darker winter months. You could change your main form of lighting. Instead of having the big lights on in your living room or dining room all day place a recycled glass table lamp on a side table or sideboard near where you sit.

Photo featuring: Vance Neutral Lamp