Ways to give your workspace a creative edge

Home office desk with two wooden stools and gallery of prints on the wall

Does your home office space need a bit of a revamp? If it’s zapping your creative energy you need to make a few changes….and you don’t need to go all out and replace all your home office furniture there are plenty of things you can do on a smaller scale. Here are a few ideas to get you inspired.

1. Clear the clutter

Your home office space has most likely been used way more than normal of late, so have a good sort out. Invest in some new and practical storage or just a desk with drawers to keep your desktop clear. For larger office storage solutions you can opt for some new office cabinets or consider an industrial sideboard if you want to get a piece of furniture that you can use elsewhere in your home if and when you switch back to the communal office space.

White home office desk with black framed print and small plant pots

2. Create an imageboard

Stick inspirational images, quotes or anything you like, on the wall above your home office desk or in another place in your workspace where you will regularly catch a glimpse of it. Remember to update it regularly with things you see that motivate and inspire you.

Wooden home office desk against an aqua green wall with gold metal pin board on the wall

3. Give it a colour scheme you enjoy

Think about what colours make you happy, energised and creative. Add these colours into your home office using ornaments, accessories, furniture or rugs. You can be brave and go all out and redecorate the walls and replace the flooring.

Industrial office desk with grey faux leather best office chair and wooden bookcase

Photo featuring: Standford Reclaimed Wood Office Desk, Standford Grey Faux Leather Office Chair

4. Bring in plants

Plants are known to benefit your wellbeing as well as looking stylish. If you’re not very good with indoor plants, even a small pot plant or cactus on your desk will make a difference. There are also some very impressive looking fake plants on the market now. If you need to save space on your desk put plants on shelving, an industrial side table or hang a trailing plant from the ceiling.

Home office desk with two wooden stools and white sofa with green plants on art on wall

5. Make space

Both literally and in your head. Many of us have been using the spare bedroom as an office, why not think about removing the bed? If you tend to only have occasional guests then consider replacing the bed with a sofa bed. A wooden double bed takes up much more room than a sofa bed, you can get a sofa bed with storage to keep the bedding handy, it’s also a great place to sit and think and let the creative juices flow. A sofa bed is also a great place for the kids to come and sit when they get home from school rather than ruffling up the bed all the time.

Wooden essential oil diffuser on wooden table with lots of small green plants in white pots

6. Add energising/creative scents

Use scent to inspire you in your home office space, consider scented candles, a diffuser or an essential oil diffuser. For relaxation, you can go for Lavender, Chamomile, Sandalwood or Almond. For boosting productivity choose from Lemon, Peppermint, Jasmine or Rosemary. There is also the option to have a go at creating your own unique blends.