Fall Back in Love with Your Home

Sweet home written on green card with white flowers

Close up of bunch of white flowers with home sweet home written on card

We’ve all been there and it’s more common than you think. Falling out of love with your home or feeling a little lacklustre over what it can and does offer you is a sign you need to bring back a loving feeling to it. Here are some ideas to help you see you home with a loving gaze once again.

  • Have a good ‘sort out’

You may be glad to see the spring sunshine streaming in through the window but not so much the dust and the clutter that seems to have accumulated in your home. Set time aside to de-clutter and re-purpose items. If you feel that clutter becomes a problem due to lack of storage, consider how you can improve this, such as wooden sideboards or rustic coffee table.

Reclaimed wood side board and coffee table

  • Rearrange the furniture

With clutter gone and ‘stuff’ tidied away, you may feel like now is the time to have a move around. Don’t be constrained by traditional ways of arranging furniture. For example, in the living room, don’t assume the sofas and the leather armchairs have to revolve around the TV – place them in ‘sociable’ positions instead.

Two blue and white striped sofas facing each other

  • Clean from top to bottom

It may not be your favourite pastime but, with the vigour of spring comes a wave of new energy, so ride this crest by spring cleaning from top to bottom. You’ll be surprised how cathartic it feels! As well as recycling items you no longer need, move furniture, vacuum in corners, clean the windows and give the surface of those reclaimed wood shelves a good dusting.

  • Sort out lighting in the home

There are many reasons why you may have fallen out of love with your home, even if it is only an occasional and temporary feeling. Shadow, shade and darkness contribute to a space feeling small and closed in. Layering light is the solution – ambient light for a soft, gentle glow but functional light for when you need to ‘see’. Just changing the light bulbs from bright white to soft white will make a difference and add a table lamp or floor lamp to dark corners.

Living room with cream corner sofa and three table lamps

  • Refresh the walls

Even if you haven’t got time to sand down for glossing and doing a very thorough decorating job, simply taking a brush and emulsion paint to the walls will give any room a vibrant kick. Choose light but warm shades to lighten the space and your feelings about it!

  • Artwork and photos

Surrounding ourselves with items that we find ‘nice’ or pretty is sure to help our mood and how we feel about a space. Within the ancient art of Feng Shui, there is an ethos that surrounding yourself with personal things that are uplifting will nourish your mind and soul. So get out the old family photos, invest in artwork you like and create a wall of magical memories that are personal to you.

Collection of photographs and a hat on a wall

  • Get creative

Also known as DIY, trying your hand at something new for your home can be one way of helping you fall in love again. There are thousands of ideas online but one great idea is to create a reading nook (that awkward, unused space under the stairs could work) or making a window seat complete with wooden blanket box and homemade cushions for sitting and watching the world go by. Or if you’re feeling more adventurous, how about making your bed into a four-poster style long with a piece of fabric…?

Large orange cushion on the floor