Get the most out of a small bedroom for kids

English Beam Reclaimed Wood Bed in Bedroom with sheepskin rug

Not every bedroom in every home is gifted with acres of space and that means planning the space available carefully. By doing so, you ensure that all space is used efficiently, making the perfect bedroom and play space for your children.

But what are the secrets to getting the most from a small bedroom?

Step 1 – Measure it and Draw it

Measure tape for small bedroom

To optimise the space available, you need an accurate floor plan. And that means measuring the space, creating an accurate plan that has the positions of the windows and any other features accurately marked on the plan. You also need to note the position of the door and the direction in which it opens. That way, before you purchase your rustic bedroom furniture or gorgeous rugs, you’ll know they’ll fit just fine.

STEP 2 – The Bed

Clearly, in a bedroom, the most important piece of furniture is the bed and a reclaimed wood bed can look super stylish, even in a child’s room. As well as deciding on the best location for it, you also need to ensure it ‘fits’ the space though.

Single beds come in pre-determined sizes which is great, except when it leaves either a small gap at the foot of the bed that gathers dust or, worse still, does not fit neatly into a cove etc.

The solution lay in a bespoke furniture, such as a made-to-measure bed.

Step 3 – Position Other Furniture Items

There are other items that are essential in a bedroom. The amount of space dictates how many of these pieces you can fit in. The key is not to be over ambitious as too much furniture means a cluttered space.

Another secret is not to create a ‘box within a box’. This means avoiding positioning furniture around the edges of the room assuming this gives ample play space on the floor.

Consider reclaimed furniture that can be moved too, possibly used in other areas of the home. This means choosing stylish pieces, such as a reclaimed wood bedside table that could be used elsewhere in the home at some point.

Step 4 – Storage

Storage is critical in a small room and that means two choices:

    • The wardrobe – choose a stylish reclaimed wood wardrobe for an appealing chunkiness and sturdiness that offer flexible solutions for storing clothes.
    • The toy box – consider a bespoke blanket box as a toy box using wood that matches the frame of the customised bed. This brings cohesion to the room without being too matchy-matchy. Size is essential too – don’t allow toy box dimensions to dwarf the bed.

Step 5 – The Floor

Pull it all together with a rug.

But choose the correct size rug for the space. Even in a small space, a rug can look super-small and too big a rug will simply swamp it. You want a rug that adds both colour and texture to a space but also provides the lynchpin to pull the whole small bedroom design together.

Our top tip for a small bedroom space is…


Table lamps and other accessories clutter the space but a state-of-the-art hanging pendant light makes a statement without ‘getting in the way’. It serves a practical purpose too, provides ample light without being stark and overly clinical.

Working down the list above will allow you to properly plan for the space you have, and avoid leaving things looking cramped.