Simple steps for a perfect Christmas day dinner

Beam Reclaimed Wood Dining Table and Bench

With the Big Day weeks away, many of us are turning our thoughts to planning Christmas Day dinner, a truly wonderful spectacle and fantastic family time. With a plan, you have a vision of the day in its entirety. You have everything in place beforehand with no last minute internet shopping or a dash to the shops.

1 The Christmas day menu

Top of your list should be deciding what you plan on feeding your guests at dinner, as well as various snacks throughout the day. There is also the drinks menu to consider too. Spend time being inspired by recipes, as well as considering festive feasts from other countries.

Christmas Food on Dining Table

Once the menu is complete, make the shopping list and start your online shop, ordering vegetables from your local greengrocer and so on.

2 Turn your attention to the KITCHEN

This room is an important space all year round but when it comes to the festive season, it will be the place that is under pressure. It needs to be tidy with everything in its place and within easy reach. If you are bringing out the Christmas crockery from the large sideboard or the kitchen dresser, swap them with your ‘normal’ set to give you plenty of room.

Chelwood Reclaimed Wood Dresser

3 Deep clean the DINING ROOM

Declutter the dining room, swapping one set of beautiful accessories for your festive-themed ones on your small display cabinet. Bring in the outside by using what nature gives us such as beautiful holly sprigs with red berries, pine cones and more.

4 Consider the setting

It may be part of the fun spending Christmas dinner balancing wobbling on an old chair but wouldn’t it be nice to have everyone enjoying a pleasant seat with plenty of elbow room?

If ever there was a time to invest in an 8-seater reclaimed wood dining table, it is now. If you are worried it will look too big, opt for an extendable reclaimed wood rustic dining table that will party ‘fold away’ when you don’t need the entire space.

Beam Reclaimed Wood Dining Table and Bench

Upholstered dining chairs add colour and texture and perfect for everyday use as well as special occasions. Finding enough comfortable seating is an annual nightmare but there is a solution – a dining bench. From plain, simple, stylish and functional benches to those with back, sides and a little more embellishments, they are an investment worth making.

5 The details

Christmas shouldn’t be about worrying that everything is perfect or running around from morning until night, but it is a busy time. The more guests you have, the busier it is.

You need to think through the smaller but still important details;

  • Assign tasks – from someone always making sure people have a drink, to guests’ coats being collected and retrieved to clearing the table, loading the dishwasher, there are many tasks that can be assigned to others.
  • Entertainment – you don’t need to book Coco the clown and even though there are gifts galore, a board game or two to keep everyone amused is an investment you can bring out year on year.
Boy Playing Game
  • The basics – from having more than enough toilet rolls to tissues, wipes and all of those small things that make a huge difference when you don’t have them.

Finally, enjoy your festive season, no matter what you are doing or who you share it with.