Spook-tacular Halloween hallway ideas

Pumpkins on wooden chair in hallway

Halloween is a time of year that so many of us enjoy and nowadays, more and more people decorate their home and host a party to celebrate the festival. If you’re planning a party or dinner party this Halloween, why not decorate your hallway to make it look inviting and entertaining for guests? Here’s how…

Carved pumpkins are essential!

If there is one thing that signifies Halloween it is a carved pumpkin or two with a tea light flickering behind the menacing face or scene you’ve carved out from it. Position them outside the door or inside your hallway for a dash of colour. Create a display with them on the doorstep and if you are not happy about leaving burning candles unattended, there are plenty of smaller battery tea lights that do a great job.

Two pumpkins on wooden chair

As well as orange pumpkins, you could also make a display from the smaller squashes that are seasonable at this time of year. Cluster them in a bowl on the hallway industrial console table along with your statement large table lamps with pinecones. When Halloween has passed, peel the skin, chop the flesh and make a delicious soup.

Add detailing with candles

Candles are perfect for autumn and winter. Their gentle flickering flame adds cosy warmth to a space that won’t go amiss in the hallway this Halloween. Even better is when you use scented candles. They leave a beautiful scent hanging in the air that your guests will breathe in as they arrive for the party.

As well as scented candles, they can also add a dash of colour too. In the industrial hallway, black candles on the industrial console table wouldn’t go unnoticed, but if you want to lighten the look, there are scented white candles too.

Blackbone Industrial Console Table

Add a mirror (or two)

A mirror in the hallway is almost a necessity, which is one reason why we look to hang one in the space. But how about making a change and opting for a free standing mirror? Perfect for all time of year, hanging faux-spider web over the corner gives it an eerie feel for your Halloween party.

Skulls (with a difference!)

Crooked witches’ hats and wizardry are part and parcel of this festival along with skeletons, black cats and rats! Skulls have also made an appearance in modern Halloween décor recently, but why not switch this up with the Lovato cow head? This beautiful silver skull adds elegance as well as a touch of Halloween to your hallway.

Webs on the hallway chandelier

Walking through a cobweb sends shivers down most of our spines, even if you don’t mind the idea of a spider crawling on you! For this reason, they are a mainstay of Halloween decorations with faux spider webs on sale in most high street stores and online too. Draping a wispy web from the hallway chandelier creates the perfect ghostly entrance, just make sure that it isn’t directly on the bulb otherwise this could present a fire hazard – Bonfire night it is not!

Fake spider web on chandelier

With your hallway decorated and ready, don your costume and party beyond the witching hour!