How to make your new room welcoming

New University Room

Moving House for University new RoomSeptember is the month that signals the arrival of autumn and change. Leaves change colour, plants and shrubs die back and the weather cools. But as well as nature’s changes, there are changes in life too.

All over the UK, children walk through the doors of their primary school for the first time, older children enter the hallowed corridors of their new secondary school and in Universities across the land, nervous fresher students are also starting a new life.

Making new friends, adjusting to adult life and a new routine, fresher students also find that their own two feet at the only things that steady them in this new world. They have to shop for food, cook, eat it and then tidy away. They have to manage money. They have to kit out their room so that they have a place to call home.

Your new room at university needs to be welcoming and practical. But how? We have the answers…

#1 The desk

Oldman Orange Industrial Reclaimed Wood Desk

You will spend hours hunched over your desk, beating on the keyboard of your laptop or PC to create essays and assignments. It is important that this is an ergonomic space. Thus, an Oldman reclaimed wood desk made to measure for you, with a chair that supports your back and encourages a healthy seating position is a must. Oh, and don’t forget a desk light for those late-night cramming sessions.

#2 Storage

Wycombe Oak Open Wardrobe cutout

All those years of your folks nagging you to keep your room tidy will now come to fruition. It is simple: space is limited and you want a pleasant room to come back to after a long day of lectures. Climbing over piles of clothes, clean or otherwise, is not conducive to helping your settle at university and enjoy your time there.

For easy storage, we suggest the Wycombe open wardrobe. Really quick to put things away, it is also uber-easy to grab something as you race out the door with minutes to spare until your first lecture of the day.

#3 Accessories

Sassa Table Wicker Lamp

Bringing items from home is comforting when the home sickness bites – and it will – but you will get through it. And this is why a welcoming, warm, comfy and stylish room is essential. From cushions to throws, to photos of friends and family, consider;

  • Lighting – the central light and the desk lamp are utilitarian (that is, practical). You need a warm light to enjoy the evenings by hence a bedside lamp is a great move. Keep the bulb a soft, warm white. These wicker white bedside lamps are perfect.
  • Mirror – you need to make sure you are not leaving for the fresher’s ball with jam on your chin and thus, a full-length oak mirror is essential. However, a mirror also helps to make the room feel bigger and also reflects light about the space.

And don’t forget artwork, photos and all those little bits and pieces that make a room YOUR room, YOUR space, YOUR domain.