Last minute Christmas Hosting Checklist

The ultimate Christmas checklist with X Mas decorations in the background

Santa may have checked his list twice, but have you? With everything to do it’s easy to overlook those last minute essentials. Use this checklist to make sure you and your home is ready for anything this Christmas.

A black board with white text overlay saying The Ultimate Christmas Checklist and X Mas decorations

  • The turkey: don’t forget to pick it up! Or if you bought a frozen one, don’t forget to take it out of the freezer.

  • Check condiments: auntie likes bread sauce, grandad likes cranberry, kids like ketchup! Make sure you have all pickles, sauces and other condiments on your reclaimed wood dining table to keep everyone happy.

  • Presents: you’ve ticked off everyone on your list, but what about those unexpected guests that turn up? Have a couple of last minute presents, such as large candles, stowed away in your kitchen sideboard to wrap in an emergency.

  • Outfit: whether you like to dress up, dress down or go full out sparkle, get your outfit out of the oak wardrobe to avoid any on the day disappointments.

  • Music: make or download a Christmas playlist to get everyone into the Xmas spirit. Or if there’s only so much Michael Bublé or Maria Carey you can take, create an alternative playlist of your favourite songs.

  • Candles/Tealights: make sure you have enough for the reclaimed wood dining table and living room to create a cosy atmosphere.

  • Batteries: there will always be one present that requires a double or triple A! Stock-up, or better still invest in rechargeable batteries.

  • Ice: even if you have an inbuilt ice machine in your freezer, Christmas is a time when ice cubes are in big demand. Stock up with bags of ice or fill plenty of ice bags and get them in the freezer. No one likes a Bailey’s without ice!

  • Firewood: make sure you have enjoy wood to keep that fire going and your guests warm and toasty.

  • Recycling bins: you’ll need a bigger bin for all that wrapping paper and empty bottles of wine. Use an old wicker basket, laundry bucket or wooden blanket box and ask guests to put all recyclables straight into the correct bins to make recycling easy.

You’re ready! Now all that is left to do is to have a very merry Christmas.

Happy Christmas!