How to prepare your home for a worry free holiday

brunch after holiday

Summer holiday at pool -Modish Living

The anticipation of your summer holiday is a fantastic feeling. The moment you leave work knowing you are waving goodbye to your desk for a week or two is often one of elation – no matter how much you may enjoy your job.

You have a great few weeks but your return from holiday is a return to reality. In most cases, it comes with an all mighty crash with 101 things to get done between the time you arrive back home and the time you need to be back at your desk.

Knowing you are returning to hard work can cause a dark cloud to hover over the holiday. But we have the solutions to not only a worry-free holiday but to you gliding back into your routine so that the relaxing effect of your holiday lasts for weeks to come yet.

Keys to a Worry Free Holiday

1) Preparation

holiday writing list before going away - modish living

Preparing your home for an extended vacation, or any holiday can feel like a military-styled operation to get everything ready. But we tend to make this all about clothes shopping and bag-packing.

Although they are obviously essential holiday-planning activities, there are other preparation activities that will serve you well when preparing your home for holidays;

Top tip – if nothing else, empty ALL the bin in your home so that unpleasant smells are eliminated.

  • In the bedroom – if you get a chance, changing your bed so that you clean sheets await your return is the ideal first night home from your holiday. The smell of clean bed linen also helps to keep the modern bedroom smelling pleasant.
  • In the dining room – this is the room where items for holiday tend to gather in the weeks and days leading up to a vacation – especially on dining room table sets. Once you have everything packed, make sure the dining room is clean and clear, so that the first meal at home is an effortless affair. Wipe down dining rooms sets and wipe over dining room furniture such as dining room display cabinets to create a pleasant space for your return.
  • In the kitchen – the kitchen will harbour all kinds of nasty smells if food is left out, uncovered etc. Donate perishable food to food banks or ask your neighbours if they can make use of it. Wipe around the fridge and don’t leave any food out. Even fruit in a bowl on the countertop or other kitchen furniture, such as your chic white display cabinet, will soon attract fruit flies, even with doors and windows shut.
  • In the lounge – the space where everyone relaxes, you want this to be a haven on your return. Plump the cushions, wipe down the leather sofa with wipes and make sure that all your carpeting, hard floor, wool rugs etc, are well vacuumed before you leave.

Top tip – let a trusted neighbour know you are away and ask them to keep an eye on your property. Make sure they have emergency numbers to contact you if necessary.

On your return

landing plane from holiday- modish living

The whole point of any holiday, from a fortnight in the sun to a weekend away is to break the monotony of routine and refresh mind, body and soul. Plunging straight back into routine means you quickly lose the sense of well-being.

Make it last longer by planning your first few days home. You may need to ‘catch up on the washing’ but how about a quick trip to your favourite supermarket or local grocer for local produce, ideal for a lazy, late brunch?

brunch after holiday modish living